
Showing posts from December, 2021

A platform that facilitates the integration of real-world assets into a digital asset system - NEOX

ANALYSIS OF NEOX DEFI ECOSYSTEM Neox is a cryptocurrency which has been created to support decentralised financial activities. While it is not the first decentralised financial blockchain in existence, it has some unique features which make it stand out from the crowd. In fact, the first part of this blog will look at the unique features of the Neox cryptocurrency. The second part will discuss the innovations which are being created to support the use of this cryptocurrency. When it comes to cryptocurrency, decentralization is the key to its success. Decentralization leads to transparency, which in turn breeds trust. Neox is a new cryptocurrency that has been created with the intention of becoming the most trusted cryptocurrency on the market. Read our blog to find out more. Neox is a cryptocurrency based on Ethereum blockchain technology and which is focused on the finance world, making it a fundamental element for the development of the blockchain world with smart contracts. It is de...

Yura : An cosystem for freelancers that allows users to receive payments with minimal costs and in real time

INTRO In the last few years, the startup industry has undergone a lot of changes. In the early days, startups were mostly small companies looking to innovate. Today, we see a new breed of startups with a different intention. These startups exist to disrupt traditional companies. One of these startups is Yura . Yura is a freelance platform that has been designed to disrupt the freelance industry. This blog will look at the platform, what it does and how it works. Yura is the world’s first decentralized ecosystem for connecting freelance services with customers at a global scale, in a convenient way. Freelancers can create their own smart contracts, offer their services, get paid and manage their reputation. Customers can find the right freelancer for their demand, resolve conflicts and securely pay for services. Yura makes freelancers and customers interaction transparent, reliable and profitable. Yura is a new ICO project based on the Ethereum blockchain that has its own unique economy...